Articles on: Shiplinks freight services
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Courier Express with home delivery

Miljöbuds freight within Stockholm

Courier Express with home delivery

Courier within Stockholm
Pick-up and delivery within 5 hours
Home delivery to gate / plot boundary (no carrying included)
Pick-up and delivery takes place between 08:00 and 17:00
Choose between different time intervals (does not apply to all carriers)
Delivery without receipt is available as an option, contact customer service

Home delivery IMPORTANT
It is important that the recipient's address and contact details are correct. It is also important that the recipient is available on the day of delivery, regardless of whether the person in question is present or not. Delivery always takes place to the gate / staircase or plot boundary.

In connection with the pick-up, the driver will call you as the sender to get you ready. In connection with the pick-up, you will meet. You as the recipient must meet the driver to facilitate pick-up. If a call is not needed when the driver and the sender get in touch, the driver will not call.

When the driver approaches the receiver, the receiver will be contacted by telephone. The driver meets the recipient to hand over and get a signature for the delivery. If a call is not needed when the driver and the recipient get in touch, the driver will not call.

Driving and delivery time
Collection and delivery takes place within 5 hours. You can choose between different time intervals when booking.

Carrying in / carrying aid IMPORTANT
Carrying aid or carrying is not included. Senders and recipients must be helpful in connection with collection and delivery.

Pricing and supplements IMPORTANT
If the driver is forced to wait longer than 15 minutes for pick-up or delivery, "waiting time" will be added. Read more at [Post-debit, additional costs and fees] (/ en / article / post-debit-additional-costs-and-fees-twsq3f /)

If you have questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact customer service.

Updated on: 13/06/2024

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