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Report freight status with QR-codes

Report status via shipping document QR codes

We've made it even easier to report the status of your freights. All you need is your mobile camera or other application that scans QR codes. Once you have scanned your freight, you will immediately have the opportunity to report the following statuses:

Not picked up - If your goods have not been picked up, you can easily scan the freight document and report it to our customer service. This way, we can quickly start working on your booking.
Collected - In connection with the pick up, you can scan the goods and report the pick up. This way, it is easy for you and customer service to have control over what is collected and not.
Delivered - In connection with the delivery, you or your recipient can report the booking as delivered. The status updates the booking immediately.
Hidden damage - Should you discover hidden damage in connection with unpacking, you can easily report this directly in the phone.

Visible damage must be noted directly in connection with the receipt of the delivery_
Read more about what should be noted at delivery

Advantages of QR Scanning

By using the reporting via QR codes, you quickly get control over what is retrieved and what is not. Your recipients can also report if the delivery has been completed or if they have discovered a hidden damage in connection with the delivery.

☝️TIP: QR code or invoice reference! Instead of the QR-code on the shipping label. You can choose to show the invoice reference from the booking. A quick change away that you will find under label settings.

Updated on: 29/10/2021

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