Articles on: Calculate price & book
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Calculate price and book (Quick guide)

# Calculate price and book (quick guide)

At Shiplink, you always book your shipping quickly and easily. Here you get a quick guide on how to calculate price and book your shipping.

Read below below on how to calculate the price of all your shipments. If you want a more detailed guide, you can find it [here. ] (

Step 1 - Enter information

Click on our booking form. This is always where you book freight with Shiplink. Fill in the consignor's and consignee's information, as well as the goods type and dimensions of the goods. Then click on Get shipping options.

Step 2 - Select shipping service

Choose the shipment option you want and choose optional add-ons . Then click Next step.

Step 3 - Fill in addresses

Provide both the consignor and consignee's details.

Step 4 - Insure your goods

We always recommend our customers to insure their shipping. Choose insurance based on the cost of goods for your goods, then you'll place your freight in the cart.

Step 5 - Done!

This is how easy it is to calculate the price and book shipping with Shiplink!

If there are any questions regarding how to calculate the shipping price, or something else, just get in touch with our customer service.

Updated on: 28/05/2021

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