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Our sustainability work

Shiplink supports AjaBajaCancer and Naturskyddsföreningen
In addition to taking care of personnel and the environment in the workplace, we want to take care of the planet and the people on it. We do our bit by supporting AjaBajaCancer and the Nature Conservation Association and climate-compensating 100% of all shipments booked via Shiplink

AjaBajaCancer 💛

AjaBajaCancer is a non-profit association that makes everyday life easier for children affected by cancer and their families. When cancer strikes the very youngest, it also strikes the most vulnerable. Families and their everyday lives are shattered - something that no research in the world can solve. AjaBajaCancer is there as a helping hand for the families and offers support in their everyday life.

Support AjaBajaCancer here

Nature Conservation Association 💚

The Nature Conservation Society works to make the earth as fantastic for our children as it is for us. The work is directed at different areas, such as the forest, the sea and the climate.

Support the Nature Conservation Society here

Climate compensated shipping 🌳

To reduce the climate impact on our planet, we offer customers that have upgrades to Shipping Departament to have all shipments booked with Shiplink 100% climate compensated. Climate compensation means that you finance a measure outside of your own business. That measure must lead to a reduction in emissions that is as large as the emissions compensated for. We do this in addition to the work our carriers do to reduce their climate impact.

Show that your company uses climate-compensated shipping 🧤
We have designed a logotyp (seal) for those who use Shiplink's shipping services. Use the seal for 100% climate-compensated shipping on your company's website or in printed materials. It's completely free. To download click here.

Do you want to know more about our climate-compensated freight and our collaboration with Atmoz Consulting? Click here

Updated on: 12/06/2024

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